To increase online sales
UX Focus on UX to improve the customer journey
60%60% increase in sales on same period previous year
Karma Interactive and GSA engaged in a strategy meeting. We acknowledged that good traffic was coming to the website, because of a strong Google Ad campaign which was in place. But that visitors were not being converted to sales. The strategy meeting involves a combination of identifying customer avatars, use cases, scenario testing and my favourite, lots and lots of post it notes.
It became apparent during the meeting, that the sites user journey was broken. A combination of bad navigation structure, heavy use of large imagery and sliders - the home page was cluttered and confusing. It was not clear for the user how to achieve their goals or what GSA wanted them to do.
Some people laugh at the idea of using post-it notes. But rapid prototyping ideas, functionality and features can be expensive to prototype for real online… not to mention the time and effort. This simple solution means that ideas can be hashed out during a meeting and especially when ideas are in flow.
As all of my clients know, I’m not a fan of off-the-shelf templates, well, I am and I am not. Templates are great when they fix a problem, for example with ecommerce sites I use WooCommerce. WooCommerce has an excellent user flow - from viewing a product, right through to making a purchase. Therefore, I am very happy to use a functional template that works. The problem falls when a template doesn’t 1) help your customers achieve their goals, 2) help your website achieve you business goals.
In our meeting we found that the site was commonly visited by the following user types:
We found that by adding several bespoke features it dramatically changed the user journey for our different site visitors, including: